- En samling av 70 populära låtar
- I smart fickformat och arrangerat i samma tonarter som de ursprungliga låtarna
- Med becifring, greppöversikt och kompletta texter
- Språk: Engelska
- Sidor: 160
- Alone Again Or [Love]
- Angel Eyes [Bennett, Tony]
- Baby Let's Play House [Presley, Elvis]
- Battleship Chains [Georgia Satellites]
- Bird Of Paradise [Snowy White]
- Bring Me Sunshine [Morecambe & Wise]
- Buffalo Soldier [Bob Marley & The Wailers]
- Catch A Falling Star [Como, Perry]
- Day Trip to Bangor [Fiddler's Dram]
- Delta Lady [Cocker, Joe]
- Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend [Monroe, Marilyn]
- Don't Bogart Me (Don't Bogart That Joint) [The Fraternity Of Man]
- Down On The Farm [Guns N’ Roses]
- Even the Bad Times are Good [The Tremeloes]
- Fatty Bum Bum [Malcolm, Carl]
- Fight For Everyone [The Leisure Society]
- Georgia On My Mind [Charles, Ray]
- Glad All Over [Dave Clark Five]
- Goodnight Sweetheart [Vaughan, Sarah]
- He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother [The Hollies]
- Hey There Lonely Girl [Holman, Eddie]
- Home For The Holidays [Como, Perry]
- I Am The Black Gold Of The Sun [Rotary Connection]
- I Believe In Father Christmas [Lake, Greg]
- If I Had You [Nat King Cole Trio]
- Je T'aime… Moi Non Plus [Gainsbourg, Serge]
- La Vie En Rose [Armstrong, Louis]
- LDN [Allen, Lily]
- Les Fleurs [Riperton, Minnie]
- Let's Groove [Earth Wind & Fire]
- Life is But a Dream [The Earls]
- Lovin' You [Riperton, Minnie]
- Memories Are Made Of This [Martin, Dean]
- Misirlou [Dale, Dick]
- My Sharona [The Knack]
- Nellie the Elephant [Toy Dolls]
- On The Road Again [Canned Heat]
- Pass The Dutchie [Musical Youth]
- Polka Dots and Moonbeams [Kent, Stacie]
- Pretty Flamingo [Manfred Mann]
- Run, Rabbit, Run [Flanagan & Allen]
- Shake, Rattle & Roll [Bill Haley & His Comets]
- Show Me The Way To Go Home [Bygraves, Max]
- Smile [Allen, Lily]
- Somethin' Stupid [Frank & Nancy Sinatra]
- SOS [Rihanna]
- Star [Dee, Kiki]
- Stay [Shakespeare's Sister]
- Strange Fruit [Holiday, Billie]
- Sunshine Day [Osibisa]
- Tainted Love [Manson, Marilyn]
- Take the 'A' Train [Fitzgerald, Ella]
- Talking In Your Sleep [Gayle, Crystal]
- Telstar [The Tornados]
- Thank U Very Much [Scaffold]
- That Ole Devil Called Love [Moyet, Alison]
- The End Of The World [Davis, Skeeter]
- The London Boys [Bowie, David]
- The Sun Has Got his Hat On [Ambrose & His Orchestra]
- The Tide Is High [Blondie]
- Theme From 'The Sweeney' [South, Harry]
- This Masquerade [Benson, George]
- Try A Little Tenderness [Redding, Otis]
- Two Tickets To Paradise [Money, Eddie]
- Underneath The Arches [Flanagan & Allen]
- Walking In The Air [Jones, Aled]
- We'll Meet Again [Lynn, Vera]
- Where Do I Begin [Williams, Andy]
- Wherever You Are [Mealor, Paul]
- Yes Indeed [The Isley Brothers]